Kaiser Is Your Long Term HealthCareand You Can Pay and MonitorOn-Line!
Your Kaiser Investment is your level 1 investment. To make it easy for you to track it down and pay it regularly you can simply follow the steps below.
Here is the procedure:
You can Check your Kaiser status on line. Go to this page and register.http://members.kaiserhealthgroup.com/login.php
Note: Policy no. must be in this format.
If you want to pay your Kaiser online,
1) go to http://kaiserhealthgroup.net
2) log in thru your access ( please refer to below procedure to get your access)
3) click pay bill now
4) choose payment option (credit card via paypal)
5) proceed with payment
To be able to received your user and password please follow below
Go TO : http://kaiserhealthgroup.net
CLICK: Don't have your username and password? Click here
Then your log-in will be automatically sent your email address.
Happy Investing in the PROPER, SOLID, INTEGRATED and COMPLETE WAY!!!.....
Coach Benj Santiago
Head Coach and FOunder
Truly Rich Makers
Author of Debt Destroyers