A lot Of People Fail to Plan for Their Children's Education More-so on their Estate Plan
Education of our children MUST take priority seat in our investment goals. We have invested in pre-needs that we were able to use and some that went to drain. But it did not stop us from learning and investing in the right vehicle for this goal. We want to give our children the best education that they can avail of. We want to give them the choice of what school to get into and not just settle for what we can afford.
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I remember when I was about to finish my High School some few years back (ehem… in the 70’s). I really am worried on whether I can go to college or not. I thought I would have to stop studying and work for a while to have money for education. I studied hard, and prepared myself for getting scholarships.
First thing that crossed my mind was to get into the Philippine Military Academy. But because I was short (I was only 4 ft. 11 inches) when I finished High School, I crossed out that option. I took scholarship examinations and passed both the City of Manila, and the National State Scholarship. While this feat made me who I am now, I would want to spare my children the agony I went through, the sleepless nights of wondering if I can get into college. So I invested for my children’s education.
By 2017, Rjay my first born son, Chai my eldest daughter, and Rocky are all done with their college education in their school of choice. Chiara, the youngest also completed Business Management in DLSU and is now employed. All of them had the needed funds to complete their college studies.
We need to invest also for Estate Preservation. This is a very important part in financial planning and this deserves a wider and deeper discussions. And, we really need to have an Estate Plan to ensure we are prepared to transfer inheritance that we built to our children.
If you want to learn more how to Invest for Education of Your Children and Estate Planning contact me at 0920-902-1217 or register eMail me at richbenj.santiago@gmail.com. Attend our ON LINE WEBINARS to learn more.
God bless us all!
Coach Benj Santiago
Head Coach and Founder
Truly Rich Makers
Author of Debt Destroyers
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